Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Well this is it............. the FINAL MARK'S DRAWING CHALLENGE 2013 POST........ Day 1 began with a pencil sketch of a bowl of eggs, if some of you remember that far back! It seemed fitting to 'go back to the egg' so to speak so here we are, just completed chalk pastel 'BOWL OF EGGS' for Day 365. A1 ivory canford paper.

Well this is it............. the FINAL MARK'S DRAWING CHALLENGE 2013 POST........ Day 1 began with a pencil sketch of a bowl of eggs, if some of you remember that far back! It seemed fitting to 'go back to the egg' so to speak so here we are, just completed chalk pastel 'BOWL OF EGGS' for Day 365. A1 ivory canford paper.

I hope you have enjoyed the drawings/sketches and I just wanted to say A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone for their likes, encouragement and positivity. (368 page likes over the year!) I have really enjoyed braving the bracing ice/sn

ow/rain/hail and very hot sun at times this year. For me setting up the easel in the glorious Shropshire countryside or in the middle of London on the banks of the river Thames has been truly fantastic.People passing by and taking the time to chat.

So for 2014....... it starts........There is a 'selected works' exhibition planned in Shrewsbury for the end of February as well as 'Drawing Challenge' related stuff. I have had a lot of interest in the work and will be selling some of it. It would be great to know from you what was your favorite piece?

I plan to now keep up the drawing as I've always done but this year concentrate much more on my painting, going out 'Painting' with my trusty easel.

You can take a look at more of my work at which I will endeavor to keep updated

Thanks again. Mark.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Day 364................. A side section of Cardiff Castle with a stone lion on the wall. Started this, then the rain came! Chalk pastels on light brown A1 Canford paper. Nearly there......

Day 364................. A side section of Cardiff Castle with a stone lion on the wall. Started this, then the rain came! Chalk pastels on light brown A1 Canford paper. Nearly there......

Day 363................ another wooded theme. Enjoyed this one this afternoon until it got too dark and cold! Met and chatted to an old chap collecting wood for his woodburner at home. A1 green canford pastel paper, chalk pastels. 365 page likes is a bit spooky as its nearly 365 days! Shame didn't make 400..........

Day 363................ another wooded theme. Enjoyed this one this afternoon until it got too dark and cold! Met and chatted to an old chap collecting wood for his woodburner at home. A1 green canford pastel paper, chalk pastels. 365 page likes is a bit spooky as its nearly 365 days! Shame didn't make 400..........

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Day 362 ............... Woods near Colemere. Real weather change today. Away goes the stormy weather, in comes the sunshine. Cold out first thing this morning but great light. Chalk pastels on A1 light brown canford pastel paper. #chalkpastels

Day 362 ............... Woods near Colemere. Real weather change today. Away goes the stormy weather, in comes the sunshine. Cold out first thing this morning but great light. Chalk pastels on A1 light brown canford pastel paper. #chalkpastels

Friday, 27 December 2013

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Tuesday, 24 December 2013